Карты майнкрафт 1.8 на прохождение ограбление банка

Карта на майнкрафт Impossible Getaway – локация, имеющая интересный сюжет, который заключается в ограблении банка. По истории персонаж провел ограбление банка, а пользователям необходимо как можно быстрее покинуть территорию города, чтобы героя не арестовали. Игроки будут управлять автомобилем и ездить по улицам большого города. Самое главное – это не попасться полицейским, не повредить транспортное средство и не заехать в тупик.

Скачать карту Impossible Getaway и установить ее достаточно просто. Для успешной установки необходимо следовать указаниям в инструкции. позволяют разнообразить игровой процесс. Во время погони на представленной карте не забывайте подбирать деньги и улучшения для автомобиля. Стоит отметить, что она имеет тематическое музыкальное сопровождения. После установки игроки получают возможность весело провести время в любимой игре.

Как установить карту Impossible Getaway?

  • Скачать файл и распаковать его. (достать папку из архива.)
  • Перенести папку из архива в C:\Users\ваш пользователь пк\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves

Just like being an actor in the action film, for Minecraft 1.8.8 gives players the mission of stealing valuable prototypes from a high security underground research facility. In order to do this, they must pass the security systems during the map, such as cameras, guard robots, lasers and so on. Those things are challenges preventing you from achieving the target.

Getting rid of traditional Minecraft totally, players have to face with Awareness rather than normally crafting or fighting mobs. Each time when you are caught by cameras or guard robots, you raise the alarm level correspondently. Consequently, the whole place will be locked down if the alarm level reaches 100% the alarm triggers. This leads to bust players at their latest checkpoint.

In spite of this quite difficult process, there is the gameband which has many functions to help players in emergencies, such as hacking numpads. Not only can players be able to see through walls with x-ray vision but they also have ability to stick to ceiling thanks to their gameband. This contributes a lot of funs to the map.

How to install The Heist Map?

  • Unzip map folder.
  • Insert unzipped map folder into your “.minecraft/saves/” folder or into your server folder and run it.
  • Play map using Minecraft 1.8 or a newer version.


You are allowed to record The Heist, however please have the decency to link to the map link. You will be doing your audience a favor as well as the creators of this map. You have to realize that what took you 3-4 hours to play took us 350 hours to make. So please don"t be a douche and share the love.


This map has been created and tested for 1.8.7 & 1.8.8 without mods. Running this map in ANY other version of Minecraft is not recommended. We also recommend avoiding the use of Optifine or any other mods. This map is meant for Singleplayer. And it highly adviced to disable your own resourcepacks while playing the map.

LANGUAGE SUPPORT: (Change you ingame language in Minecraft setting and the translations happen automatically)

Dansk (Danish) (Translation by Locercus)
Deutsch (German)
Español (Spanish)
Français (French)
Suomi (Finnish) (Translation by Roni)
日本語 (Japanese) (Translation by SaziumR)
Nederlands (Dutch) (Translation by Cubehamster)
Português (Br) (Brazilian Portugese) (Translation by Dodóide)
Русский (Russian) (Translation by Ilya Zavyalov improved by Георгий Щукин)
Slovenščina (Slovenian) (Translation by RedsBoneStuff)
Türkçe (Turkish) (Translation by MCrazy)
简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified)) (Translation by Peterjiang)
繁體中文 (Chinese (Traditional)) (Translation by Peterjiang)


In the Heist the player tries to avoid security systems such as cameras, guard robots, lasers, sonar etc in order to steal valuable prototypes from a high security underground research facility. The player accomplishes this with the help of his/her Gameband which has various functions such as being able to hack numpads and consoles, see through walls with x-ray vision, stun robots, stick to ceilings etc. This map features stunning in-game models and animated textures as well as ingame custom sounds and voice acting. The map is a game on its own, as in it completely drops the traditional Minecraft Mechanics such as crafting or fighting mobs. Instead of health the player has to deal with Awareness. Every time the player gets spotted by a camera or guard robot the alarm level will rise. As soon as the alarm level reaches 100% the alarm triggers, the whole place goes on lock down and the player is busted whereafter they get reset to their latest checkpoint. In order to avoid this the player relies on the various functions of the Gameband they get gradually unlocked throughout the game. The only problem is that every time the player uses an ability it consumes energy. When your energy runs out you have will find a recharge station to restore your energy.

The Heist is a very unique game that relies on over 6000 command blocks in order to work and is one of the most advanced maps released to date.


Minecraft 1.8.7
- Render Distance: 8 Chunks (This is not optional!)
- Enable Sound: This map has voice acting and custom sounds
- Alternate Blocks: ON (Check video settings)
- 2GB RAM or higher allocated to Minecraft
- A good Processor (This game is very CPU heavy)